2010. febr. 21.

PointRoll viral campaign: C.R.A.P.A.D.S.

found on adrants.com

Remember back in the day when the click was king and animated banners were all the rage? Back when Geocities sites ruled? Yea, they were quaint times. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Well, some of us have. Not the Council of Responsible Advertisers Promoting Accepted Digital Solutions or C.R.A.P.A.D.S. No. C.R.A.P.A.D.S. thinks it's still all about the click and all this rich media stuff is, well, crap. After all, who wants bloated images floating across the screen?

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. wants us to appreciate the "beauty and effectiveness of traditional ad banners. Company Chairman Charles Letchwell says they're reliable and "better suited for real internet people."

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. Creative Director Eldred Tosveck says rich media is "gratuitous and obscene" and "only 98 percent of the web browsers are enable with The Flash. Who's looking out for the other two?"

Enjoy this new viral campaign promoting Rich Media from Pointroll.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Smaller companies will not be able to compete in the market against larger corporations who can afford the higher fees. I would tell my congressional representative to keep the internet neutral so that information flows freely and equally.
