2009. szept. 29.

TOP 5 legbüntetőbb magyar viral video

Azt gondolom, hogy a filmek magukért beszélnek. De ha nem, akkor sincs szükség az én kommentjeimre, mivel a nézőközönség hozzászólásai már mindent elmondtak, amit lehetett és a közösség meghozta döntését, melyik

(Szólj hozzá! A sorrend változhat, a lista bővülhet a kommentek alapján)

  • Update: Salvation kommentje alapján egy új jelölt került fel a listára: http://www.pcbosszu.hu/, viszont az okok nem egyértelműek. Az sem egyértelmű, hogy milyen helyezéssel kellene felraknom a listára...?
    De vizsgáljuk meg közelebbről: A színésznő kihozta belőle, amit lehetett. A megjelenéssel sincs igazán gond, sőt más filmekkel ellentétben világot alkottak a készítők, nem "hátteret". A szöveg és a dráma felépítése is rendben van. Akkor mi a gond vele? Miért érezheti kínosnak a néző? Miért nem működik?
    Talán a dolog ebben az esetben nem a kivitelezésen dőlt el, hanem a stratégián. Talán az a gond, hogy az a célcsoport, akinek betalálna, az nem nézi meg, aki megnézi, annak meg nagyon mellé megy ez a script. Talán...
    (A filmet nem lehet embeddelni, csak a fenti linken érhető el)

1st: MSZP wake up Hungary

2nd place: Durex Szexegyetem

3rd: MSZP/Szili Katalin - Hazatérek

4th: Erste Bank - Terka

5th: Burger King - Ernő

2009. szept. 24.

The PUMA Index - A fun and little bit sexy app in rough economic times

PUMA, the German sportsbrand, has just launched a funny iPhone app. The PUMA Index is a stock sticker with a twist. When the markets go down, the model’s clothes come off. And as PUMA says; if you loose your shirt, at least the models do too.

Once you’ve installed the free app you can choose between a male or female guide to your index of choice, by shaking the iPhone. The market numbers will be updated automatically through the day and when it gets good enough, or bad enough, the models will be called into action.

If you show your iPhone with the app installed to a PUMA sales rep, you even get a 20% discount on your next purchase.
A fun, and little bit sexy, app in rough economic times. Everyone needs a bit of fun, don’t you think?

Top 5 Web Trends of 2009

Marc Metekohy @ viralblog

One of my personal favourite websites is ReadWriteWeb.com. Last week Richard MacManus, founder and editor of ReadWriteWeb created several posts on what he believes are the top 5 web trends of 2009. These were 5 really well written posts on different subjects. Below you find a compilation of these 5 web trends.

Trend 1: Structured Data
Structured Data, or what is often referred to as Semantic Web has been explored really well in 2009.
ReadWriteWeb has given 3 examples; OpenCalaisGoogle Rich Snippets and newcomerWolframAlpha, which all have used the power to structure data in new ways.

In laymen term’s; all information is delivered real-time. One example is BingTweets where Microsoft’s search engine Bing is combined with real-time results from Twitter. Facebook also implemented a change to their website design with a focus on real-time updates. Also the search function was changed allowing users to find information the moment it was published.

Trend 3: Personalization
Many consumer products on the Web aim to recommend you things that you may like. There are 4 main approaches to recommendations:
Personalized recommendation
Social recommendation
Item recommendation
A combination of the three approaches above

Layar, one of my personal favourite start-ups, has done an outstanding job creating a Augmented Reality Browser for your mobile phone.

The Internet of Things is a network of Internet-enabled objects, together with web services that interact with these objects. Underlying the Internet of Things are technologies such as RFID (radio frequency identification), sensors, and smartphones.
For example IBM announced a deal at the end of June with Danish transportation company Container Centralen. By February 2010, Container Centralen undertakes to use IBM sensor technology “to allow participants in the horticultural supply chain to track the progress of shipments as they move from growers to wholesalers and retailers across 40 countries in Europe.” Essentially it makes the travel process very transparent.

All in all 2009 already has been a very fruitful year with developments on many facets. We have become better to structure data and combine streams into a more personalized way. Independent on location and screen. And the the combination and culmination of it all in the Internet of Things. We can already look forward to the last months of 2009 and the many development in 2010.

Sources: As mentioned ReadWriteWeb is responsible for the research and the information. I want to thank Richard MacManus for his insights and reports.

Did You Know 4.0: The Media Landscape

Zero to 60: Social Media Strategy via Ford

Keynote - OMMA Global 2009

2009. szept. 22.

Airlines 2.0 - How airlines can use Web 2.0

Keynote at Aviation Outlook Summit Middle East

This is the live presentation from Aviation Outlook Middle East, presented by Shashank Nigam, CEO of SimpliFlying.com.

The presentation discusses how airlines are building their brands latest Web 2.0 tools like Facebook and Twitter innovatively. It includes eye-opening case studies from leading airlines like JetBlue, Virgin America, Southwest, AirFrance-KLM, Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific and more.

2009. szept. 16.

Some very succesful viral campaigns

based on Patrick Altoft's list

Guitar (GuitarMasterPro.net)

This video shows viral marketing in its simplest form. Upload an amazing video clip of a guy playing the guitar, write a quick note saying that he learnt to play the guitar at GuitarMasterPro.net and hope some of the 45 million viewers want to learn to play too.

Dynamite Surfing (Quicksilver)

With a reputed 10 million page views in the first few months of launch this viral advert for Quicksilver took the web by storm and did more to promote the brand than all their other advertising combined.

Of course we know the footage was staged and the surfers were really actors but this didn’t stop the video spreading virally around the web.

Do The Test (Transport for London)

This video has made the list purely because it has seen so many page views in a very short time. In just 3 months over 3.7 million people have viewed the video making it one of the top campaigns of 2008.

Stolen Nascar (TaxBrain.com)

Promoting a website about tax is pretty difficult so the marketers behind this stunt decided to get creative.

They staged the theft of a Nascar with their website address on the site and managed to get over $1 million woth of TV exposure totally free within just a few days.

The stunt shot the site into the limelight and it has never looked back.
  • Working with Napolitan Productions, we brainstormed for a couple of days and concluded that our NASCAR racecar sponsorship had our branding, so we felt it could be the centerpiece in a viral video. Research indicated that a NASCAR had never been stolen by a racing fan, and since these fans truly are fanatical — just maybe a NASCAR could be stolen on lazy summer day at a small racetrack in California. Helping us along this path was the release of the movie ‘Talledega Nights.’ We hired real stuntmen, models and a seasoned reality TV camera crew. We rented the local racetrack to rehearse, clued in racetrack management of our plan, then the following Sunday at a live racing event, the car was “stolen.”

Threshers 40% Off Voucher

In 2006, shortly before Christmas, Threshers leaked a voucher worth 40% off wine and champagne via the internet. Apparently the voucher was only intended for suppliers and the belief that Threshers had mistakenly released the voucher made it spread faster and faster around the world via email, social networks and blogs.

Threshers pretended to be worried about losing money on the promotion but no doubt ended up making a huge profit and getting publicity in a month than they got for the whole year.

  • “It was never intended to get this big,” a company spokesperson said.
  • The company admits it is slightly concerned about the popularity of the offer.
  • “We are waiting with bated breath… Early next week, we should get the figures for what level of business we have seen this week and over the weekend,” the spokesperson added.
  • “This is a better offer than normal and it could end up hitting our profit margins.”

Subservient Chicken (Burger King)

Launched in 2004 and racking up an amazing 46 million views in the first week Subservient Chicken is deserving of a place on any viral marketing list.

  • The site, at subservientchicken.com, features a chicken-suit-garbed human embodying the classic BK tagline, “Have it your way.” In a nod to adult “cam” sites, users type in commands and the bird obeys. Visitors are eating it up — and, Burger King hopes, consuming large quantities of its TenderCrisp chicken sandwich as well. The site is part of an integrated campaign for the new product.
  • “It was important to us to get to the elusive adults in their early twenties and thirties, the 18- to 34-year-old men, the so-called missing men who aren’t watching TV,” said Blake Lewis, a spokesperson for Burger King, which is controlled by Texas Pacific Group. “This audience embraces the Internet.” Lewis said the site got 46 million visits between its launch Wednesday, April 7 and the following Wednesday.

Gorilla Advert (Cadbury’s)

Another recent example of how an amazing advert can get millions more views thanks to the web comes in the form of a gorilla playing the drums for Cadbury’s.


In todays era of social networking it’s easy to think how quickly the likes of Facebook and Myspace grew but the real viral marketing pioneer was Hotmail.

In December 1996 Hotmail had 500,000 registered users – less than a year later they had over 12,000,000 users. This astonishing growth rate was down to the fact that every single email sent from Hotmail included a small advert promoting the service in the footer.

2009. szept. 13.

A rarity: natural born viral technology

When the content does not matter:
Interactive 360 panoramic video with YellowBird

Navigate in every direction of a playing video. This technology from YellowBird allows the user to play a video like an interactive panorama. That is where the “bird” name came from: it will seem to you to float like a bird, flying through the scene where the video has been recorded.

Online Video: Superpowered Ideas for Marketers

This study asked marketers to forecast how brands can use web video to create value and build awareness on rapidly growing social media sites. Among top Social Media sites like MySpace and Facebook, internet video has seen huge growth over the past year. Among the findings and insights, the study reveals how video infotainment funneled through leading online social media platforms can create viral "Superbrands."

  • Brands can piggy - back on the meteoric rise of social communities by "socializing" video content - creating short, entertaining clips that audiences can easily share on Twitter and Facebook
  • Socialized video content can help a brand slip into a consumer's buddy list sideways by offering addictive, informative experiences
  • Videos that entertain, help people solve problems or make the web a better place are valuable currency in social communities
  • Superbrands are participating in the conversation every day by creating humorous, informative, addictive video content experiences - and not just on Superbowl Sunday

Lee Odden - Social Media Roadmap

7 Reasons Social Media Is A No-Brainer For Passionate B2C Brands

Adam Singer @ Online Marketing Blog

Social media is fast becoming a standard element in the marketing mix of major consumer brands. And with good reason: never before has such a creative landscape existed for people and the brands they love to interact, share stories and build relationships – in all directions.

With social media marketing spends predicted to grow at an annual rate of 34% according to a report from Forrester Research, analyst trends support these thoughts. Yet, not all companies are sold, with many taking a “wait and see” approach as they believe the landscape to be risky and unproven.

Just the opposite is true – waiting may prove the riskiest move of all as brands who wait too long only succeed in yielding ground to agile competitors. This may prove especially damaging in the B2C space. When consumers pledge allegiance to favorite brands, they may stick with those brands indefinitely and outright ignore competitors.

At this point, the rewards far outweigh the risks, especially for brands following a social media roadmap, something which sets themselves up for success.

Still questioning the value? The following are 7 reasons engaging in social media marketing is a no-brainer for any passionate B2C brand:

1. Take your communications directly to consumer

While traditional media is shrinking and digital media continues to experience growth, huge opportunities are afforded to companies embracing the direct to consumer model for their communications. For a stunning example of this at scale, consider that if the Official Google blog was a newspaper, its subscriber numbers would put it in the top 10 for daily circulation right between the Houston Chronicle and the Chicago Tribune (hat tip to Noah Brier for the observation). Google not only delivers content directly to consumer, but as a by-product of that their messages resonate beyond other blogs and frequently into tech, trade and mainstream media.

2. Avoid a negative groundswell

By being active in social media and having your finger on the pulse of what the world is saying about your brand, you may be able to hedge negativity before it spirals out of control. We’ve all heard the stories about negative brand experiences from consumers which resonated in the social web, but we didn’t hear about a backlash against Priceline. That’s because Priceline was paying attention and able to respond to a potential groundswell by alleviating the situation before it could spread. David Armano noted the details but the consumer’s reaction in her own words speaks volumes:

  • “I opened Aaron’s email around 12:00PM PST I posted a Blog on Google describing the events and then sent a Tweet Blast around 2 if my tweets are logging PST, which is possible as I have no sense of time. Then I specifically re-tweeted to people with larger follows to help make sure I was heard. Aaron called me at 4 PM PST which is 7 in North Carolina and said that, “Priceline had called about an hour ago and offered to refund the money!”

The old saying of satisfied customers tell three friends, angry customers tell everyone becomes exponentially more potent in social media. Shouldn’t you be there to concurrently help your customers and practice digital reputation management?

3. Own your presence in popular platforms

Your brand may not be active in platform-specific networks such as Facebook or Twitter at the corporate level, but make no mistake that your biggest fans are already doing this on your behalf. International Dairy Queen had an interest in getting involved in Facebook (and social media as a whole) and upon digging into the situation they discovered hundreds of others had already created Facebook fan pages on behalf of the brand to share their love of an American classic.

DQ was able to analyze what fans were doing and strategically establish their DQ corporate Facebook presence right alongside fan pages, where it has quickly grown to six-figures organically and become the major hub for the brand in that network. With hundreds of comments and likes on each post engaging with DQ’s blog content and promotions, it is an active, vibrant digital asset (full disclosure: DQ was previously a client I worked on at my former employer).

4. Truly understand your demographic

Social media presents the ultimate focus group because you can naturally observe how people behave and interact – specifically the demographic you’re interested in reaching. But it goes beyond merely watching. By engaging with your demographic directly through social communications tools, you will learn details about them you may have not previously considered.

It is risky to miss the mark in a connected world, as witnessed by the Motrin Moms fiasco last year. Had they been actively involved in a dialog with their target demographic, they may have created a promotion which resonated positively, instead of something still getting referenced for rubbing their consumers the wrong way. The web as a medium is extremely referential, so you will live with the good and bad. By having an understanding your chances of being known for something positive increase exponentially.

5. Social media / SEO intersection

As Online Marketing Blog readers are well aware, there is a clear intersection of search and social media. As we discuss this intersection quite frequently, I’ll sum this point up quickly with a quote from one of Lee’s posts on Mashable:

  • By involving SEO insight in a social media marketing effort and vice versa, marketers, public relations professionals and advertisers can extend the value of their investment. Well optimized social media content marketing efforts can attract new network participants via search. News content that experiences distribution via social news and bookmarking channels can facilitate links to company website content directly and indirectly. Advertisers that fund social media campaigns can continue to realize the traffic benefit from keyword-optimized interactive content long after the campaign has ended.

6. Real-time market research

Once you’re active in social media and begin to attract a following for your brand, your opportunities for engagement and to gain actionable data from your audience will become limited only by your creativity. You can crowdsource new product ideas directly to those most interested in purchasing, get feedback on making current products better and work to find out what it is your consumers really want. Focus groups in controlled settings are out, real-time data “in the wild” is in.

7. It’s nearly 2010 – consumers expect it

Last but not least, our world is quickly moving to a society where digital media is the dominant player. A study by PEW confirms this: more people say they rely mostly on the internet for news than cite newspapers, and nearly six-in-ten Americans younger than 30 (59%) say they get most of their national and international news online. Also, the percentage of people younger than 30 citing television as a main news source has declined from 68% in September 2007 to 59% in 2008. Digital media share of voice is only going to continue climbing while other channels lose ground.

Can you really afford to ignore the new medium of choice for consumers?

2009. szept. 8.

Social Media Stories

An interesting presentation with amazingly graphics that explain social media in a clear and understandable way.

Data Portability - Connect, Control, Share, Remix

Marc Metekohy @ viralblog

More and more often discussions arise about Data Portability and about the Open Web. What is it, who uses it, and what can you do with it? A lot has been written about the subject, but a simple presentation from the Data Portability Workgroup already explains a lot.

What is Data Portability?

The official description would be: Data portability is the ability for people to reuse their data across interoperable applications. The DataPortability Project works to advance this vision by identifying, contextualizing and promoting efforts in the space.

In laymen terms this would mean: Data Portability enables you to share personal information, like your profile, photos and videos, can be shared between online services, mostly social networks.

The DataPortability project was founded by a group of people that created a workgroup by inviting industry thinkers in November 2007 to explore the idea of sharing personal information.

Who uses Data Portability?

In January 2008, several major web industry players supported the workgroup: Google, Facebook and Plaxo followed by Drupal, Netvibes and Mystrands, and then LinkedIn, Flickr, Six Apart and Twitter, as well as Digg and Microsoft.

As shown, Data Portability is being supported by many parties and organisations.

Maybe you start to wonder why you have never heard of Data Portability, or perhaps have heard so little about this big development, but it is likely you have seen and even used it already.

Facebook Connect

One of the biggest parties enabling Data Portability is Facebook with their Facebook Connect option. As they have said in when launching this feature:

“We believe the next evolution of data portability is about much more than data. It’s about giving users the ability to take their identity and friends with them around the Web, while being able to trust that their information is always up to date and always protected by their privacy settings.”

After launching this feature developers started embracing the technology and implemented it in websites. Currently more than 10,000 websites already use this feature and it is continuously growing and expanding, making Facebook bigger and bigger by the day.

An interesting integration of Facebook Connect is a campaign from Sprite on YouTube Green Eyed World.

YouTube, which is owned by Google, has opened up for Facebook Connect, while Google has also been quite the busy bee in the Data Portability. Seeing this integration is a good example of two big names in the industry using data portability which in itself is very interesting for advertisers.

I hope to see more of the Data Portability project combinations.

2009. szept. 4.


Tisztelt Olvasóm!

Ha ezt olvasod, akkor az azt jelenti, hogy legalább egyszer már meglátogattad ezt a blogot.
Amennyiben hasznosnak találtad a tartalmat, kérlek tedd meg, hogy megüzened ezt nekem azzal, hogy néhány klikkel támogatsz az MSZII weboldalán.

Bujtás Attila

2009. szept. 2.

David Armano, Brand U.0

The Talk: "The hallmark of any great brand is authenticity -- just ask Harley-Davidson, Coke or Apple, especially when all of these brands lost their way and learned from it. Same thing applies to Brand You. In every tweak of a template, upload and keystroke, you have an opportunity to be authentic or disingenuous. Know what makes you special and unique, and tap into those qualities as you build your personal brand online. Most people can spot a fake when they see one, so remember that being genuine is more important that presenting yourself in an artificially glossy manner. It used to be important for bloggers to "find their voice" -- now it's relevant to all of us."

2009. szept. 1.

Viral Learning Center

This movie is very funny ...but sometimes I feel like all my clients and agencies around me took an exam in this school.