2009. máj. 30.

Razorfish Demoreel - Respect

Comedy Central - South Park új évad

...nincs mit hozzátennem.

De van: UPDATE

Nos, a South Park 12. évadát beharangozó perszonalizálható virus alkalmazást 2009. decemberében az MTV Networks lekapcsolta, de így is hónapokkal tovább futott, mint ahogy azt eredetileg tervezték.

Az alkalmazás 3 hónap alatt több, mint 1 millió továbbküldést teljesített (Facebook nélkül, kizárólag email alapon), félmillió UV látogatta, a látogatók 10 százaléka 15 percnél többet, 50 százalékuk 5 percnél többet szórakozott az oldallal. És még ma is felemlegetik a legkülönbözőbb fórumokban, blogokban.
A South Park fanoknak az a jó hírem van, hogy bár a kampánynak vége, Cartman és Stan nem bírja tartani a száját. A küldés funkciót a jogok miatt hatástalanítottuk, azaz már nem működik, de a mondókák még összerakhatóak és meghallgathatóak itt. Enjoy!

2009. máj. 29.

Smart Marketing in a Dumb Economy

"The worst thing you can do during a recession is disappear from a marketing/communications perspective." The challenge is... how to market more aggressively with fewer dollars, less man-power, and a more-frugal-minded-than-ever consumer? Espresso suggests a little "brand infiltration"—a.k.a smarter marketing in a dumb economy—or ANY economy.

2009. máj. 24.

Big Idea: Consumer Insight

by Andrea Harrison and Tim Barnes, Razorfish

Big Idea: Advertising as Entertainment

by Matthieux de Lesseux, Razorfish

Dedicated to my friend, Robert Rotique

All About Twitter

People are straight-up freaking out about Twitter...especially people who work in marketing and are responsible for consulting brands about what to do on the interwebs.

This presentation offers an overview of what Twitter is, how it works and why it works that way, as well as recommendations for how brands can strategically operate in this space to meet marketing objectives without being typical PR scumbags.

2009. máj. 18.


By using ASCII ads in Google Adwords SIXT was able to stand out from the crowd. They also brought forward a ban on this practice too.

Unilever Offers Cash For Consumer Feedback

Igor Beuker @ viralblog

Unilever is set to launch an online collaborative community to encourage women to contribute ideas for new products. The approach includes offering a cash incentive for consumer feedback. Read about the interesting social approach of Unilever…


Mindbubble targets women aged 25-50 and gives them cash rewards for their contribution. The site enables users that will be asked to give their opinions on products and marketing campaigns through focus groups and polls. In social media marketing we might call it: creating an online “brand ambassador” community.

Unilever hopes the project will result in greater engagement with its range of brands, which include SurfDove and Persil. The FMCG giant will involve consumers in forums, blogs, diaries and polls as part of the project, which is consistent with a policy of using digital engagement to increase brand affinity.

Unilever has increased its digital spend in the US from 2% to 3% of its marketing budget to around 15% and intends to make similar changes in the UK.

Babs Rangaiah, Unilever’s global communications planning director said: “The company plans to shift marketing focus away from interruption towards engagement.”

Babs Rangaiah further explained: “We are all about the masses and scale, and interruption is becoming a much tougher proposition. So we have this term: ‘penetrate the culture’. It’s about getting into what people are interested in, what they are engaged in.”

How do we feel about the Unilever approach within the social universe? Mostly two thumbs up! Why? Because we like Unilever’s DNA. It’s open, willing to try and listen.

It at least seems that Unilever brand marketers are capturing the “true power” of social media. And that they dare to go beyond running just interruptive banners at social networks or pushing an intrusive pre-roll commercial before UGC video content. No, Unilever understands it must go beyond “plain advertising” to become successful within in the social space.

I sincerely hope that other brands and their media agencies are paying attention to this social media marketing approach.

For the brand marketers that have doubts, look at the dramatic shift in marketing realityand do believe us: the only constant is change the coming 10 years!

Also see our previous items about Unilever: Dove OnslaughtUnilever Lux and UnileverThe Rising Star in Social Media.

Other brands that use social media marketing to gain consumer feedback and new ideas are Dell and Starbucks. Again companies that are unleashing the power of social marketing to transform their brand and business.

Source: Revolution Magazine

2009. máj. 17.

Social Media Ad Metrics

This document specifies standard definitions for Social Media Metrics. With the rapid growth seen in the Social Media space in recent years, many publishers and vendors are offering supplemental performance metrics to their clients as additional ways of gauging ad effectiveness. This document defines these supplemental metrics in more detail in an effort to stimulate growth by making the reporting of metrics for agencies and advertisers across multiple media partners more consistent. The IAB hopes that all players in the Social Media space will coalesce around these metrics to encourage growth through consistency.

Social media speaks to a new way of understanding how individual users are interacting with branded content via online publishers, social networks, blogs, and applications. Before the proliferation of social media, the primary way for users to receive advertiser information was one-way. Social Media has changed the paradigm of how people consume online media.

The most profound difference is that Social Media has added a participatory element where an individual not only receives information but has the ability to take part in the creation and distribution of content. Furthermore, social media tools have enabled a dialogue and discovery around this content. It is the combination of these unique and appealing aspects that defines the true value of social media.

Value is derived not only from the primary distribution of branded content but also the additional interactions that result as users share, participate with, and propagate advertising content. In the end, social media adds another layer of value through its ability to engage users and create additional reach.

The current Social Media landscape can be broken into three distinct categories:

  • Social Media Sites
  • Blogs
  • Widgets & Social Media Applications

This document first defines each of the categories, and then defines the supplemental metrics specific to each.

2009. máj. 11.

How to restrategize your company in an economic crisis - updated and expanded

by Ouke Arts

To restrategize is not to maximize shareholder value, nor is it about mergers and acquisitions or growth and expansion.
To restrategize is to adapt to an economic crisis.
And it takes ten steps to adapt:
  1. realize you are in an economic crisis; 
  2. redefine your leadership; 
  3. reestablish your mission; 
  4. revise your vision; 
  5. rethink how you communicate in your market; 
  6. redefine your value proposition; 
  7. redistinguish yourself from your competitors; 
  8. redesign your organization; 
  9. reorganizae your alliances;
  10. and refinance your company.

Nielsen Online Global Lanscape

rabbit @ rabbitblog

Identifying Opportunities in a Challenging Market:
  • Short tail sites continue to rule.
  • Social media and video engagement deepens.
  • Mobile Internet use triples.
  • Select industries continue their online investment into the recession.
  • Online commerce strategies for retailers.

2009. máj. 6.

Movie Theaters Get Interactive

Written by Paul van Veenendaal @ viralblog

Advertisers are finding new and innovative ways to turn movie theaters into interactive venues. MK2, MSNBC, Volvo and Fiat show us, how to engage the public in cinemas around the globe.

MK2 VoD is the Video on Demand website of MK2, one of the largest cinema chains in Europe. Callegari Berville Grey, Windows Live Messenger and Universal Pictures successfully worked together to get moviegooers laughs and attention for the MK2 VoD service in 58 movie theatres during 2 weeks. See the video after the jump.

MSN chat window appears during Fast & Furious 4 trailer

MSNBC & Volvo: CrowdGaming

In the summer 2007 Msnbc.com introduced the first ever in-theater audience participatory video game concept: CrowdGaming. Modeled after classic video games, NewsBreaker Live combined live msnbc.com RSS newsfeeds, the movement of the audience (tracked with motion-sensor technology) as a human joystick, and the big screen as a game board to bust audiences out of their pre-movie doldrums with an interactive game that delivered real-time news headlines to kick start the moviegoing experience. Created by SS+K in collaboration with Brand Experience Lab.

Moviegoers of all ages swaying, swinging and rocking in their seats

In October 2007 car maker Volvo followed MSNBC’s example. In 12 UK cinemas the audience was simultaneously waving their arms in the air to guide the new virtual Volvo XC70 around the screen, each aiming to collect the most points and win the game. Carlton Screen Advertising sourced and developed motion-sensor technology that tracked the audience’s combined movements via a wireless video camera set up at the front of the theatre.

Cinema audiences became human joysticks to guide the new Volvo XC70

The concept was developed in order to engage a group of people and take video gaming, traditionally an individual pastime, to a truly sociable environment. By working together as a team, having fun and sharing the experience, Volvo created the perfect way to communicate Volvo’s ‘Life Is Better Lived Together’ brand message.

More CrowdGaming examples: Dove Soap in São Paulo, Vodafone in Kinepolis Madrid and Sony Ericsson in Portugal.

Fiat: Interactive Adventure by SMS

In 2006, Italian car maker Fiat and Ad agency AgenciaClick created the first interactive movie theater experience ever in Brazil, to promote the new light off-road car “The Fiat Idea Adventure”.

“Choose your onw adventure” by SMS

The audience in fashionable cinemas in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo got to determine, by voting by SMS, how the adventures of John would unfold, a busy man whose day is about to turn into an adventure. Based on the most voted combination of answers the audience was shown a six-minute film, compiled from the 16 different versions possible. At the end of the story, viewers were invited to create other day in John’s life at http://www.ideaadventure.com.br/. The campaign helped position Fiat as an innovative car brand and gained extensive editorial coverage in national and international magazines and newspapers as well as on TV.

Source: Europa Cinemas, CMD Global, Brain Sells, Zer Customs

Instead of Advertising book is released

You can order it here

You can read more info about the book here

2009. máj. 3.

Case Study: Optus Whale Song

A great little piece called Optus Whale Song from Mark/M&C Saatchi.
Such a simple idea and crafted beautifully.
Playing with the whale is relaxing and engaging.
The TVC is below and I feel it extends this well.

2009. máj. 2.

Social Media Pro/Contra

Executive Social Marketing Bootcamp Presentation

Who is David?
VP Marketing & Community at Radian6
Radian6 provides the social media monitoring platform for marketing, communications and customer support professionals.

Reklám Helyett. A marketing jövője a hálózatok világában

Mányai Csaba 2009 április 29-én, a Brand Festival Digital konferencián elhangzott prezentációja.

Taking Your Website to the Next Level

A look at web strategy, analytics, writing for the web, design, and social media.

Airwaves’ Viral: El Invencible Chlorophyllo

Written by Igor Beuker on April 25th, 2009

Wonderful work from Tribal DDB Paris for Airwaves. An interactive adventure awaits you as you as you take control of Chlorophyllo, the most powerful luchador in the history of Mexican cinema. Be a green latin hero. Play Chlorophyllo! An Interactive “video” game, simple but fun!

Become the Mexican “Hulk Hogan” Chlorophyllo in 70’s style and beat the scientist Mano Negra who needs taste of Chlorophyllo to become ruler of the world. The campaign seems to be inspired based on this movie.

Brilliant viral marketing campaign and great campaign site. Here you can also download emoticons and a PDF Chlorophyllo mask that you can cut, fold and use yourself. Meet the green heroe at Facebook.

Or see his video trailer at YouTube and below.

Attila’s brief guide to a successful sales and brand-building

by Attila Bujtas @ attilabujtas.blogspot.com

In the past, customers got brand and product information from monologue type of communication. They got what marketers gave them.
Nowadays, costumers can get much more information from the net than marketers will ever know about their brands.
So, the era of answers without questions is over.
The brands have to start their conversation with questions.

Attila's Rules
  1. Do not lie.
  2. Know your target group deeply and truly, do not guess it.
  3. Think with their heads and build on their motivation, forget about yours
  4. Do not think in advertising, but in original and unique brand experience
  5. Do not sell product, sell brand experience.
  6. Do not just buy media, find the most relevant touchpoints.
  7. Do not send message, design the interactions and create a relationship.
  8. Be personal, do not broadcast.
  9. Do not be overly promotional. Do not repeat.
  10. Do not overwhelm with frequency. Be brief, be compelling.
  11. Measure and control all your brand activities.