2010. febr. 21.

PointRoll viral campaign: C.R.A.P.A.D.S.

found on adrants.com

Remember back in the day when the click was king and animated banners were all the rage? Back when Geocities sites ruled? Yea, they were quaint times. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Well, some of us have. Not the Council of Responsible Advertisers Promoting Accepted Digital Solutions or C.R.A.P.A.D.S. No. C.R.A.P.A.D.S. thinks it's still all about the click and all this rich media stuff is, well, crap. After all, who wants bloated images floating across the screen?

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. wants us to appreciate the "beauty and effectiveness of traditional ad banners. Company Chairman Charles Letchwell says they're reliable and "better suited for real internet people."

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. Creative Director Eldred Tosveck says rich media is "gratuitous and obscene" and "only 98 percent of the web browsers are enable with The Flash. Who's looking out for the other two?"

Enjoy this new viral campaign promoting Rich Media from Pointroll.

2010. febr. 20.

Over four million downloads later, the VW 2010 GTI story

80% increase in leads, test drive and quote requests without a print ad, banner or broadcast spot in sight.

Source: Facebook
You can get the app from here

Toyota - Sponsafy Your Ride

digital buzz blog

Toyota has launched a new campaign called: “Sponsafy Your Ride” for their involvement in NASCAR in 2010. The campaign idea based on a contest, Toyota fans could make their own customized car using the tools on the Sponsafy Your Ride website or vote for the other designs which they like. The winner will have a chance to see his/her design on the car of Toyota during the NASCAR Sprint Cup All Star Race, complete with VIP tickets and travel paid. The campaign will be rolling up on March 15.

Wrangler Europe - Superb online brand experience

Wrangler's have mixed eye-candy and interactivity to create a whole new interactive site.

2010. febr. 19.

Ingatlan.com - Hero V2.0

Tegnap Laci kollégám a következővel fogadott:
"Láttad az ingatlan.com kampányát? Tiszta Vatera koppintás".
Persze nyilván nem az, hiszen mindkettőt a Cluso készítette és egyébként sem a koppintás a helyes kifejezés. Talán az utánérzés közelebb van a valósághoz.

Mindemellett az anyag jó és messze az unalmas magyar átlag feletti. De ha a kampány ennek ellenére nem lesz sikeres  (amire jó esély van), akkor az nem a kommunikáció hibája lesz, hanem az elcseszett nyereményé. De ne rohanjunk ennyire előre. Nézzük meg a filmet.

A koncepció tiszta, a pozíció átjön, a márka nem vész el, az aktivitás termék központú, a film láthatóan alacsony költségvetéssel, de nagy odafigyeléssel készült. Jó a kameramunka, jó a vágás, jobb fajta a casting.

Csak már megint egy hero...

No de lépjünk túl a Cluso hero mániáján, mert van itt valós probléma is: az, hogy a nyeremény csak egy lehetőség és nem valós nyeremény. És ez igen sokat árt a kampány hatékonyságának és szerethetőségének. (Nekem kifejezetten ellenszenves lett az ingatlan.com, pedig a nyeremény ismerete előtt szórakoztatott, megadta a márkaélményt és élveztem a kommunikációs világát)

Három millió, amit nem kaphatok meg, csak ha veszek egy ingatlant. Ezt azért egy picit túlzásnak érzem, és akkor még meg sem kapartam a felületet.
Három millió levonódik egy tetszőleges ingatlan meghirdetett árából ...amiből ugye eleve alkudni szokás. Akár többet is, mint három milliót. És ahogy most az ingatlan piac kinéz, hármat biztosan lehet alkudni.
Szóval akkor mennyit is nyerek, ha nyerek? Nyerek-e egyáltalán bármit is?
És egyáltalán mi lehetett a nyeremény célja? Újraindítani magyar lakáspiacot? Spórolni a nyereményen és a nyereményadón? Vagy kizárni és frusztrálni azokat, akik ma nem akarnak lakást venni?

Ha valaki tudja, írja meg a választ, mert különben meg jó az anyag.

2010. febr. 15.

Sleepless at Playground - Case study video

Playground stores is a specialist retailer of hiking and outdoor equipment, Akestam Holst created this campaign just before the Summer. The insight was based on a physical studied written by the Swedish Health Council claiming the amount attentiveness experienced by hiking over long distances. So… if hiking makes you more alert, exactly how long can you stay awake by walking?

RFSU: Miss Fiffi

Interactive advertising campaign for RFSU intimate care products.

Here you can read more about the campaign.

Coca-Cola: The Happiness Machine

...another lesson about simplicity.
The spot and the viral campaign designed by Definition 6.

Google goes social with Google Buzz

Pernille Hegnsholt @ viralblog

You have probably all heard by now about the latest attempt from Google to become more known in the social space. With the launch a few days ago, Google Buzz adds a social feature to your Gmail account.

Tood Jackson, manager for Google Buzz, introduced Google Buzz as a “new way to communicate within Gmail.”

Mr. Jackson define Google Buzz with five key features:
  • Auto-following
  • Rich, fast sharing experience
  • Public and private sharing
  • Inbox integration
  • Just the good stuff

Google Buzz is located as a tab just under the inbox in your Gmail labeled “Buzz”. With real-time updates from applications like Twitter, Picasa, Flickr and more, Google makes sure that you don’t miss any news.

Google also help you staying updated while you are on the road, with Google Buzz for the mobile.

As a dedicated Gmail user I find this newest attempt from Google a bit odd. I mean, I see the point in having all in one place but first of all Facebook is not integrated and then I don’t see anything new in it. More just another tool I have to check every day for updates. Another annoying thing is that you can only share buzz with people who also have a Gmail account and I think that a social network goes beyond Gmail accounts and if you are not able to follow more than 20 people I don’t see any point with it. But, with launch only a few days ago, I will definitely give it a try and see what the buzz is about. I would love to hear from you guys what you think and if you have had any experience with it so far.

2010. febr. 14.

Puma: Hardchorus

The Puma "Hardchorus" ad breaks at half-time in ITV1's coverage of the Bolton v Spurs FA Cup match on Sunday... err... Valentine's Day, in case you forgot.

Go to the promo site to send it to your other half for Valentine's Day. (Don't forget to check the Italian Ti Amo Serenata as well.) Or upload your own serenade video onto the Puma YouTube channel.

What an excellent, simple and original idea!

David Armano: Less Networks. More Meaning.

Here's what I observed this past week after scanning the reactions of people in my own networks in relation to Google Buzz. People in my own ecosystem seem utterly exhausted by the plethora of networks they manage and the number of people within those networks. E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Yammer, Instant Messenger... just how many platforms can we participate in?

Google's strategy is likely meant to solve this problem. To become the one "ecosystem" to rule them all. But the Web doesn't work this way. It's unlikely that people will abandon existing platforms or networks unless they become so polluted that we have no choice. Sure we may have wandered away from e-mail, but how many of us have actually abandoned it? Very few I suspect. E-mail like Twitter or Facebook will remain relevant as long as our friends and co-workers keep using it. When they stop, it might go away—but how likely is it that scenario?

In my trends for 2010 article at Harvard Business, I wrote the following:

1. Social media begins to look less social
With groups, lists and niche networks becoming more popular, networks could begin to feel more "exclusive." Not everyone can fit on someone's newly created Twitter list and as networks begin to fill with noise, it's likely that user behavior such as "hiding" the hyperactive updaters that appear in your Facebook news feed may become more common. Perhaps it's not actually less social, but it might seem that way as we all come to terms with getting value out of our networks — while filtering out the clutter.
I believe that we are already beginning to see this trend accelerate as the onslaught of new networks for us to explore and manage continues to assault us even as we struggle to find the signal within the noise of our existing networks. The average and even not so average person is simply finding it to be too much. So what's next?

Less Networks. More Meaning.
In a recent panel discussion for brand managers, I talked about Facbook's "hide" feature and how we will begin to see more of this type of functionality emerge in response to the need for people to extract value from their ecosystems. While I believe that new platforms, service and networks will emerge that promise this—I think the reality is that people will not abandon existing platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. especially if those platforms continue to add noise reducing functionality. We are limited beings with busy lives and creating new networks every few months is simply not sustainable behavior.

I believe that technology titans and upstarts have a huge opportunity in front of them IF they pay attention to this trend. Optimize your existing platform to filter out clutter while decreasing the learning curve as opposed to increasing it. Twitter's List feature is a nice little tool which empowers people to trim down followings to topics and manageable numbers. 3rd party extensions such as Listorious make lists even more effective. The opportunity in front of us may not be connecting just because you can—it will be making those connections more meaningful.

Frank Striefler: How to create advocacy and conversation

What is brand advocacy, why is it relevant, what it takes, how to create conversations?

Supercool technology: Bing Maps

WOW! You Have to see this...